PBIS Rewards
What is PBIS?
This schoolyear we will implement a technology application to reinforce positive behavior.
The program is called PBIS rewards and we would like you to watch the video below to understand and access the benefits for your child.

PBIS is designed to focus more on prevention rather than punishment.
At the School for International Studies at Bammel, we will focus on having PRIDE.
PRIDE stands for Positive, Respect, Integrity, Discipline, and Empower.
We encourage all students to show PRIDE throughout the building and in your appearance.
Our students can earn rewards throughout the day by meeting our behavior expectations. These rewards are in the form of electronic points. They can redeem these points for privileges, tangible items, access to events, and other similar things. We expect that we will see overall behavior improve throughout the school and decrease the number of referrals we have. We encourage you to talk with your child about what they must do to be successful with PBIS Rewards and to encourage them when you see them being successful.
Thank you!