Transportation Procedures

Submit Attendance Form to report early release, late arrival, and absences 

Submit Transportation Change Form to report child's transportation change 

Bus Rider Detailed Information

Bus Finder

Having trouble finding your scholars bus information, click on link below and put in your address to assist you.

Estimated bus stop times are available through the Infofinder-I tool, but for the first few days of school, it is recommended that students are ready at the bus stop approximately 10 minutes prior to the estimated stop time until regular route schedules are established. 

Transportation for Pre-K and Kindergarten Students 

Students in Pre-K and Kindergarten MUST be registered for bus service before they can begin riding the bus home from school. Registration forms are available from the student's campus for processing. Once the student has been approved and routed for bus service, the parent/guardian will be notified that service may begin.

Just as in the past, students in Pre-K and Kindergarten must be received from the bus by an approved person at the bus stop. Parents/guardians of Pre-K and Kindergarten students who require bus service will be issued a Personal Identification Number (PIN) once their student has been approved for bus service. Any person who is at the bus stop to receive the student must provide the driver with the PIN (either verbally or visually) in order to receive the student from the bus. If the person who is present to receive the student cannot provide the PIN or there is no person present to receive the student, the student will be returned to the school for the parent or guardian to pick-up.