Visitor Procedures

Visitors & Volunteers:

All visitors & volunteers must check in at the front office and present a valid photo ID in order to visit classrooms, offices, have lunch with a student, or sign a student out.

Please do not be offended when we ask - it is state law to protect our staff and students. (Section 12. Subchapter A, Chapter 38, Education Code, Section 38.022)

Upon departure, all visitors must check out with the receptionist, turn in their visitor badge sticker, and exit through the main doors.

For information about volunteer opportunities, please call the office at 281-891-8360 or email our Parent Engagement Coordinator, Mariana Oceguera, at Email Mariana Oceguera.

School Hours:

8:05 am to 3:25 pm, Monday through Friday for Pre-K through 5th grade.

Please be advised when visiting the front office around arrival and dismissal times you may experience a longer wait to be served at the window. Student safety is our top priority.


Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom when the bell rings. Students arriving after 8:05 am must be escorted into the building by a parent or guardian.

Students arriving after 9:30 am are absent unless they present a doctor's note for the instructional time missed.

Lunch and Specials:

Information regarding lunch, recess, specials & conference times for each grade level can be found here. 


Students are dismissed as walkers, car riders, day care and bus riders. Car riders will use the main parking lot for pick up, walkers will be released at the furthest east door and day care providers will use the center drive to pick up students. Buses will use the center circle and parking in this area is prohibited during arrival and dismissal times. Please remember to be courteous and cautious at dismissal as our students' safety is our main concern.

Transportation Changes:

If for any reason you need to change your child's method of transportation, we must have written documentation of the change that includes:

  • Student's name

  • Description of the change (ex: will be a walker today)

  • Date(s) that the change will be effective

  • Parent/guardian signature

You may send transportation notes to school with your student, drop them off at the front office or fax them to 281-891-8361.

For student safety, we are unable to accept transportation changes via phone or email. All transportation changes must be received by 2:30 pm on the day the change is to take effect.